Bill Goichberg, USCF President; and America's dominant chess tournament organizer.
Grandmaster Alex Stripunsky, 2005 US Chess Championship runner-up
Dr. Danny Kopec, Brooklyn College computer professor, chess and computer author, International Master
Nelson Farber, practicing attorney and active chess player
Steve Immitt, US "Tournament Director of the Year" for 2005
Jon Jacobs, active non-professional competitor, chess author, anti-cheating activist.
Jon Jacobs Phone: (347) 782-3393 e-mail: jacobs310@optonline.net (Principal contact, available at all hours) (flyer, details)
Marshall Chess Club Phone: (212) 477-3716. e-mail: marshall.cc@verizon.net. website: www.marshallchessclub.org
(Note: The club is open only on evenings and weekends.)