After finishing a successful 4½-2½ score at the Chicago Open, IM Amon Simutowe granted an interview with The Chess Drum in his hotel room. Deeply engrossed in playing blitz chess with GM Hikaru Nakamura, he broke away to find 15 minutes to tell the chess world about recent developments in his chess aspirations.
Overall the Zambian International Master was pleased with his performance which included a stirring battle with U.S. champion, GM Alexander Shabalov. There was also a bit of controversy in two of his games. Against Hungary's GM Emil Anka, Simutowe described the scenario:
"I had Ra5, Bd4, g5, Kd2 and he had Rb3, Kd6, Bd5, g6, a2. (see below) So he played Rb4 leaving a chance for Bc5 check and taking the Rook, but quickly took back the Rook to b3. After a minute or two he played it somewhere. So what was strange after I told him to play his Rook to where he intended to… he started shouting and called a witness. One of the guys I overhead him laughing with when I blundered a pawn, was a witness. This guy claimed to be independent even though they had been chatting during the game. Unfortunately he was closest to the table and his word carried weight. One other guy supported Anka.