In this game, Simutowe faced the Dutch and immediately the game reached a tense stage when Nakamura belted out 8…Ne5. After 9.Nxe5 dxe5 10.e4 f4 11.gxf4 exf4 12.Bxf4, Nakamura kept the imbalance with 12… Nxe4!? The game continued on a tortuous path as Simutowe broke on the queenside and his bishops zipped around the board like lasers.
Nakamura was playing very quickly and probably did not appreciate the danger of his position. Simutowe's pieces reached a menacing position after 26.Rc7 and on 26…Bxd5, Simutowe uncorked the crushing 27.Rxg7! (position right) At this point, Simutowe had taken a lot of time and had only a couple of minutes left, but the position is clearly winning. On the other hand Nakamura had about 88 minutes remaining, but all the time in the world could not save him.