Viswanathan Anand posing at Vidyasagar, a non-profit organization that seeks to help children with disabilities. Photo courtesy of John Henderson.
World #1 Vishwanathan Anand of India is once again utilizing the services of the Internet Chess Club (ICC - www.chessclub.com) to champion a cause that is close to his heart: Vidyasagar (www.vidyasagar.co.in), a non-profit organization that strives for inclusion of children with autism and cerebral palsy.
In 2005, Anand held a successful simul on the ICC that raised much-needed funds for the Indian charity he's become associated with. The funds raised in 2005 provided wheelchairs for 65 children apart from other orthotic aids that were urgently needed. And again the world #1 is looking for the goodwill of chess players to play their part in a fun-filled challenging day in aid of the charity.
"Coming to Vidyasagar is a very special feeling," said Anand. "It is a place where behind a child's laughter there is a story. Our responsibility is to make each of these stories have a happy ending. Cerebral palsy by itself is a complex problem, and each child's condition is a unique challenge. I would like to thank the ICC for joining forces with us once again. As a company, they have shown it is not just the bottom line but a child's smile that could make all the difference.
"For me, it is a personal dream to see these children smile brighter - and this is the best move we as a chess community can make together to help them."
To find out the special appeal Anand has for Vidyasagar, go to:
The ICC is auctioning off on eBay 15 seats to play in the simultaneous exhibition on Saturday, April 21st, starting at 12:00pm ET (5pm GMT) with Grandmaster Anand.
Click here
The winning bidders of this and the 14 other eBay auctions will each earn a seat to play Super Grandmaster Viswanathan Anand on ICC. The time control will be 90 minutes with a 5 second increment. Seats will only be available to players under the rating of 2200 and they will play with the black pieces.
This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to play one of the world's most famous grandmasters and, more importantly, to help children who are facing a much greater challenge.
The first four to raise $350 or more will receive a 12-month subscription (or 12-month renewal) to the ICC plus a 12-month subscription (or renewal) to the world's leading chess magazine, New In Chess, total value $147.95. The first two to raise $500 or more will receive an 18-month subscription (or 18-month renewal) to the ICC plus a 12-month subscription (or renewal) for New In Chess Yearbook, a total value of $208.
Please note that ALL 100% of the proceeds raised will go directly to the charity. PLEASE play your part in helping the world #1, Vishwanathan Anand, raise funds through chess on the ICC for this worthy cause that is so very close to his heart.
Viswanthan Anand with one of the boys from Vidyasigar.
For further information, contact:
John Henderson, ICC Director of Marketing Tel: 847-347-9593 Email: jbhthescots@chessclub.com
VIDYASAGAR: What began, as a parent initiative in 1985 with 3 children is now a Government aided NGO that works relentlessly towards the education, employment, inclusion and empowerment of more than 3000 children and adults with disabilities ranging from Cerebral Palsy and Learning Disabilities to Mental Retardation, Autism and Mental illness. Vidya Sagar looks at the whole spectrum that is, from neo-nates to adults and from mild disability to profound disability. Vidya Sagar also works towards their therapeutic needs in terms of physio, communication and occupational therapy. www.vidyasagar.co.in
INTERNET CHESS CLUB: Founded in 1995 as one of the first premium gaming sites on the Internet, today ICC is firmly established as the premier online chess service, with more members, more Grandmasters, more volunteers, and more loyalty from its members than any other classical game service on the Internet. More than 30,000 members from all over the world regularly enjoy playing casual or tournament chess games against each other; watching others play, including hundreds of titled chess masters; attending online lectures, classes, and special events; or simply socializing with fellow chess enthusiasts in a club house that's always open.