Back in November, Gregory Kearse approached Daaim Shabazz of The Chess Drum about a possible story. He contacted the United States Chess Federation to propose the idea. Daniel Lucas, the Editor of the newly-revamped Chess Life agreed. Lucas had been a admirer of the website and has stated a previous interest in running a story about it. Thus, the story had the green light.
After preliminary questions and numerous e-mail exchanges, enough data were collected to compile the story. Kearse, known for his essay on Black masters back in 1998, produced a draft and found himself facing a demanding Shabazz. After many back-and-forth e-mail on various points of semantics and content, the baton was handed to Lucas who found Shabazz chasing him down with more points of clarification. After countless e-mail and an approaching deadline, a draft was produced. After additional corrections were made, the article went to press. Lucas got help from a Tallahassee freelance photographer Adeleke Omitowoju, a student of Shabazz's.