After Muhammad's inquiry to FIDE's Casto Abundo and Nadia Ulyumdzhieva, the above ruling was sent to the United States Chess Federation so they could take the appropriate follow-up actions. After investigation, the following letter was sent to Muhammad and officials of the USCF:
Dear Sirs,
Please note that IM TA for Mr. Muhammad, Stephen, ID# 2003228, SA was considered by the Presidential Board Meeting in Abuja, Nigeria in 2003 and awarded conditionally on rating.
Mr. Casto Abundo, FIDE Rating Administrator, has confirmed that the player achieved the required 2400 rating for the IM title in the interim period (October 2006). Thus, the title is awarded.
The personal card of the player will be updated soon.
Best regards,
Nadia Ulyumdzhieva Elista FIDE office