On board #2, the red-hot IM Amon Simutowe had the black pieces against the ever-dangerous GM Alexander Shabalov. He tested his Caro-Kann against Shabalov's aggressive style. While Shabalov did not play the g4-line, he got a good position. He nurtured a spatial advantage, but Simutowe was rock solid with knights and d5 and f5. Shabalov continued to probe and started to direct pieces on the kingside. After 24.Ne3, Shabalov wanted to open the f-file and launch an attack and Simutowe played 24…Nde7?? Losing immediately to 25.Nxf5 Nxf5 26.d5! All of a sudden black's position was in total ruin. Simutowe resigned a few moves later. (see game)
In other action, GM Boris Gulko gave IM Alex Lenderman a lesson in why the Smith-Morra Gambit should not be played at this level. (see game) The tactics leading up to the end was stunning. As this point, Finegold, Shabalov, Gulko, GM Sergey Kudrin and GM Michael Rohde lead the field with 7-1. Nakamura and Simutowe are joint 2nd with 6½ along with seven others!
Monroi is providing live coverage and Jennifer Shahade is filing reports at uschess.org. Coverage and blogging available at The Chess Drum.