June 30-July 4, July 1-4, July 2-4, or June 28-July 4
ChessCafe.com Grand Prix Points: 200
35th Annual World Open. 9SS, 40/2, SD/1 (4-day option, rds 1-2 G/75, 3-day option, rds 1-5 G/45), Valley Forge Convention Plaza & Radisson Hotel, 1160 1st Ave, King of Prussia, PA 19406 (I-76 west to exit 327, right on Mall Blvd, right on N. Gulph Rd, 1.5 miles to site.) Free parking. 20 miles west of Philadelphia (I-76 west to exit 327, right on Mall Blvd, right on N. Gulph Rd, 1.5 miles to site). For shuttle info from Philadelphia Airport or 30th St train station, call 800-559-2040 or 215-616-5370. All play in same room (brightly lighted exhibit hall with capacity 1800 players). Radisson Hotel is connected to Convention Plaza; Scanticon Hotel at 1210 1st Ave is also connected at other end of Plaza.
Prizes $400,000 based on 1450 paid entries (U1100 Section & seniors count as 3/4 entries; re-entries, GMs, WGMs as half entries, Under 800/Unr Section not counted), $280,000 minimum (70% of each prize) guaranteed. Free analysis of your games by GM Sam Palatnik; free lectures by other GMs 7/1 10 am, 7/2 10 am, 7/3 9 am.
In 9 sections (Unrated eligible only for Open, Under 2400, or Under 800).
Open Section: $30000-15000-7000-3000-2500-2000-1500-1000-800-700, 11th-20th each $600, top Under 2500/Unr $1500, clear winner bonus $500. If tie for first, top 2 on tiebreak play speed game 7/4 11:30 pm (white 7 minutes, black 5 minutes &gets draw odds) for title &bonus prize. GM & IM norms possible in 5-day &7-day schedules. FIDE rated.
Note changes: Under 2500 prize added, 4th & 5th prizes reduced.
Under 2400/Unrated Section, Under 2200 Section, Under 2000 Section, Under 1800 Section, Under 1600 Section: each $20000-10000-5000-3000-2500-2000-1500-1000-800-700, 11th-20th each $600. U2400 Section is FIDE rated.
Under 1400 Section: $12000-6000-4000-3000-2500-2000-1500-1000-800-700, 11th-20th each $600.
Under 1100 Section: $7000-4000-3000-2000-1500-1000-900-800-700-600, 11th-20th each $500.
Under 800/Unrated Section: Trophies to top 20.
Prize limits: 1) Players with under 26 games played as of 6/07 list may not win over $1500 in U1100, $3000 U1400, $4000 U1600, $5000 U1800, $6000 U2000, or $7000 U2200. Games rated too late for 6/07 list not counted. 2) Players who were rated more than 20 points over section maximum on any supplement 6/06 or after have a prize limit of $2000. 3) Balance of any limited prize goes to next player(s) in line.
Entry fee, if mailed by 2/15: 7-day $347, 5-day $345, 4-day $344, 3-day $343. Mailed by 5/15: 7-day $367, 5-day $365, 4-day $364, 3-day $363. Mailed by 6/18: 7-day $377, 5-day $375, 4-day $374, 3-day $373. At site: All $400; no checks, credit cards OK.
Online entry at chesstour.com: $346 by 2/15, $366 by 5/15, $376 by 6/24, $400 after 6/24 until 2 hours before rd 1.
Phone entry at 406-896-2038: $350 by 2/15, $370 by 5/16, $380 by 6/24 (entry only, no questions). No phone entries after 6/24.
Special entry fees: GMs free; $240 EF deducted from prize. WGMs $150; another $150 EF deducted from prize. EF $100 less to all in Under 1100 Section and seniors over 65 in Under 1400 & above.
Under 800/Unrated Section entry fee: 7-day $27, 5-day $25, 4-day $24, 3-day $23 if mailed by 6/17, all $26 online at chesstour.com by 6/24, $30 phoned by 6/24 (entry only, no questions), $40 at site. No checks at site; credit cards OK.
Advance entry fee $10 less if paid with $49 USCF dues. Re-entry: $160, any section but Open, any schedule, byes OK, no discounts. $20 fee for switching section after 6/29. $10 service charge for refunds (no service charge if fee applied to future CCA tmts).
5-day schedule: 12 noon &7 pm 6/30, 11 am &6 pm 7/1, 6 pm 7/2, 11 &6 7/3, 10 &5 7/4.
7-day schedule: 7 pm 6/28-30, 6 pm 7/1-2, 11 &6 7/3, 10 &5 7/4.
4-day schedule: 11, 2:30 &6 7/1, 11 &6 7/2-3, 10 &5 7/4.
3-day schedule: 11, 1:30, 3:30, 6, 8:30 7/2, 11 &6 7/3; 10 &5 7/4.
All schedules merge &compete for same prizes. 1/2-pt byes OK all, limit 4 (limit 2 in last 4 rds). Open byes must commit before rd 2, other sections before rd 5. Entries, re-entries close 1 hour before your first game. Bring sets, boards, clocks if possible- none supplied.
Hotel rates: Radisson or Scanticon Hotels, $92-92-92-92, 1-888-267-1500, 610-337-2000, rooms are expected to sell out about May 25. Backup hotel: Valley Forge Hilton (2 miles away, free shuttle), $99-99, 610-337-1200, may sell out about June 7, rates may go up after June 14. Another backup hotel: Comfort Inn, 1-800-222-0222, ask for "Convention Plaza rate" of $89.99.
Special car rental rates: Avis, 800-331-1600, AWD #D657633, or reserve car online through chesstour.com.
Foreign player ratings: Usually 100 pts added to FIDE, 100 to FQE, 200 or more to most foreign, no pts added to CFC or Jamaica. Most foreign ratings other than CFC, FQE or Jamaica not accepted for U2000 or below. Highest of multiple ratings used. Players who fail to disclose foreign or FIDE ratings may be expelled. US player ratings: June list used; FIDE ratings not used.
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SPECIAL RULES (revised):
1) Players with scores of 80% or more in round 3 or after may not use headphones, earphones, cellphones, or hearing aids, or go to a different floor of the building, without Director permission. They must also submit to a search for electronic devices if requested by Director; refusal to be searched is grounds for expulsion from the tournament, with no refund.
2) Players with scores of 66% to 79% in round 3 or after, all players in round 1 and players with a 1-0 score in round 2 may not use unauthorized cellphones, and may not use unauthorized headphones or earphones if their opponent objects.
3) If the players in a game have different scores, rules for the higher of the two scores apply to both players.
4) Writing move before playing it is allowed, unless you are using an electronic scoresheet.
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Entry: Continental Chess, Box 249, Salisbury Mills, NY 12577.
More info: chesstour.com, 845-496-9658. Invitation requests: go@chess.us. You may request "lowest possible section" if June rating unknown. Advance entries will be posted at chesstour.com.