PRESS RELEASE:  19/07/2002

Allan Munro of Trinidad & Tobago is the 2002 Mutual Open Junior Chess Champion. In a commanding performance in the final game for the tournament, Munro took advantage of a positional error by Queens College student Muralidhar Areti to seal the championship with a score of 7½ points.

Justin Kirton of St. George Secondary had to settle for second position on the tie break after drawing his final game against the number 1 seed Junior Taitt. Kirtion ended with 6½ points.

National Junior Champions
Mark-John Alleyne, who also ended on 6½, takes 3rd spot after winning against Olaudah Pryce of St. Leonard's Boys.

Taitt, a former winner of the Open Junior, can only lament that this is a tournament he let slip out of his hands. Unfortunately for him, he finds himself out of prize row in 4th position, having tied on points with Kirton and Alleyne.

Winning the prize for best overall under 16 years of age player was
Jamel Richards of Louis Lynch. Richards finished 5th with 6 points.

Tying for 6th to 10th position on 5 ½ points  were former Junior King
Dwayne Gilkes, Muralidhar Areti, Combermere's Kofi Hinds, Kevin Allman of Harrison College and Alexander King of Queens College.

The under 14 and 12 age category prizes were take by Lodge School's
Martyn Del Castilho and Brian Branch respectively.

In the Blitz Tournament that followed the Mutual Open was dominated by the Bajans with Kirton taking 1st and  Alleyne 2nd. Olaudah Pryce carried off 3rd spot and Jamel Richards was 4th.

This brought the curtain down on what was the biggest Mutual Open Junior to date and with Munro returning to Trinidad with the trophy, all are looking forward to next year's event when he will be called to defend the title.

Allan Herbert--Barbados Chess Federation