Gallery #4 (Jerry Bibuld - USA)
(front row, from left to right) Catarino Domingos (Bd. 1), Amorin Agnelio (Bd. 2), IM Armindo Sousa (Bd. 3) and IM Pedro Aderito (Bd. 4); (in the rear, from left to right) Ediberto Domingos (Bd. 5) and Abilio Ribeiro (Bd. 6), and Manuel Andrade (captain).
kneeling (from left to right) are Dawit Wondimu (Bd. 1), Fikreselassie Alemu (Bd. 2), Yimam Abera (Bd. 3); standing (from left to right) Abenet Bekele (Bd. 4), Mekitu Molla (Bd. 5), Wossenyelew Hailu (Bd. 6) and the Team Captain, Tsega Kumlachew.
(front row, from left to right) Daniel Nsimbambi (Captain) and Grace Nsubuga (Bd. 1); standing are (left to right) Shadrack Kantinti (Bd. 2), Ignatius Wanderama (Bd. 4), Isaak Munanira (Bd. 5) and Emmanuel Mwaka (Bd. 6), Steven Male Kawuma (Bd. 3).
kneeling, from left to right, are IM Amon Simutowe (Bd. 1), Stanley Chumfwa (Bd. 2), FM Nase Lungu (Bd 3) and Tizenge Mbambara (Bd. 4); standing, from left to right, are Gershom Muzende (Bd. 5), Malupande Lungu (Bd. 6) and David Zulu (captain).
Copyright © 2002 Daaim Shabazz. All rights reserved. The photos contained on this page may not copied or electronically transmitted without the expressed consent of the author. These photographs are property of Jerome Bibuld and those interested in the use of any of them should contact him for use privileges.