2007 U.S. Open: Gulko tops 7-way tie

The end of the 108th U.S. Open closed like many American Swiss tournaments? many draws and a multiple-winner for 1st place. Seven players closed out the tournament with 7½ points in a tight race from beginning to finish with Boris Gulko declared the winner on tiebreaks.

Eleven players tied for 2nd with several players scoring well against stronger opposition. Amon Simutowe had a strong showing and scored an upset win against top-seed, Hikaru Nakamura. Abby Marshall was herself surprised at her 2nd place performance wrote about her feat of beating three masters in the last three rounds.

The Denker Tournament of Champions was won by Warren Harper of Texas while the Susan Polgar Championship for Girls was won by Julia Kerr and Eunice Rodriguez. The top finishers received generous prized including scholarship to Texas Tech University.

Monroi is providing live coverage and Jennifer Shahade is filing reports at uschess.org. Coverage and blogging available at The Chess Drum.

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