The Chess Drum was in the building!
Over the years, the World Open has been a reunion of sorts and it serves as the best social networking chess event in the land. At the tournament, one may notice all types of chess paraphanelia including monogrammed boards from various tournaments, engraved chess clocks and of course the ubiquitous t-shirt.
This is basic attire for chess players and there are some very creative slogans. I have seen shirts saying “Show me the money” to others putting a hex on the opponent. Another said, “I’m not dead yet.” Some other popular shirts are those from past tournaments, but those becoming increasingly popular are those affiliated with some type of chess organization. I saw shirts from St. Nicholas Park and Glenn Bady’s Challenging Heads and many from local chess clubs and schools.

Frank Johnson of wearing Chess Drum shirt. Daaim Shabazz of The Chess Drum wearing shirt. Orrin Hudson representing his own
Before leaving Florida, I packed away a load of Chess Drum t-shirts to bring to the World Open and it is interesting how a t-shirt can how to build bridges. In marketing these are called brand-building techniques, but it is also a show of support of the organization’s mission. I appreciate all the support given to the mission of The Chess Drum over the years.
There are many stories that often go untold or unnoticed. Let’s hope that more will recognize the contributions being made by those featured on the site and continue to add to the universal language of the chess.
Nate Stevens and Daaim Shabazz (above left). More photos coming!
Long-time Chess Drum supporter Kimani Stancil in post-mortem with opponent while Pete Rogers looks on. Dr. Stancil, a physicist, has recently taken a post at Howard University and will be leaving the Bay area. Congrats!
Dr. Kimani Stancil
Another doc! Dr. David Allen, Sr. is out of Cleveland and has been a resident master for decades. Allen used to lock horns with local masters IM Calvin Blocker , IM Dmitri Ghizdavu and Senior Master Milan Vucevich many years ago. He focuses mostly on coaching now and has given lessons to a number of rising scholastic players.
Dr. David Allen, Sr.
The Chess Drum Thank-you for all that you do. Love the article on the T-shirts. I am going to have to buy some of your T-shirts. Thank you for still posting David Allen Sr. I appreciate.
David’s Birthday would have been January 31, He would have been 63 years old this year. 3 years, since David passed. David was very ill. I miss Him so, from Sherrita Allen and our Son David J.C. Allen II. From Cleveland, Ohio my e-mail is I know a lot of David’s Chess Family, Family, Friends miss Him also. Peace to All. Take care everyone. Keep winning at The Game of Chess or Life. Thanks Sherrita Allen 1/23/23