Jamaica’s Jomo Pitterson earns FM title!
Jomo Pitterson (Jamaica)
Photo by Daaim Shabazz.
Jomo Pitterson of Jamaica clinched the FM title after drawing with IM Basheer Al-Qudaimi. He has earned the requisite six points and becomes the third Jamaica player to earn the title after Grantel Gibbs and Warren Elliott who both earned there titles at subzonals. Jamaica also won the match 3-1. Jamaica President Ian Wilkinson stated, “This is a good day for Jamaican chess.”
The Jamaican team has had a disappointing tournament, but Wilkinson said that the victory over Yemen and Pitterson’s IM title will give rising youngsters Stuart James and Zachary Ramsey motivation. Pitterson has by far been the most steady Jamaica player in international competitions having solid performances in Curacao and Trinidad and Tobago.
Certainly the “land of wood and water” will be celebrating in the sunshine and be able to tell about the blustery snowy days in Dresden, Germany.
I have been following the wonderful online coverage of the games, and have been glued to the Jamaican team’s performance. I did not read the news online, but when I chatted with Jomo this morning congratulating him on a good olympiad performance by him and the team in general… it was then that he mentioned to me that he was more excited about the FM title he recieved y’day. Surprise it to say I thought he was pulling my leg at first… until it settled in! In deed a truly great day in Jamaica’s chess history and a great day in the life of my good friend! Congratulations!
FM Grantel Gibbs
Toronto, Canada
Congrats to FM Pitterson and great superb coverage on the Olympiad Dr. Shabbaz!
The Jamaican perspective
Nice! Congratulations Jomo on your title success and wish you well on your path !
Congrats Jomo!!, you have consistenly shown that you are one of the strongest players in the English speaking caribbean.
Congrats, jpitt 🙂
Congrats, Jomo! and many more sucesses!
Well done FM Pitterson, you are living prove that consistently working hard will reap rewards. You and the rest of the Jamaican team have done Jamaica proud.
Congrats FM Jomo Pitterson. You have done Jamaica well. I wish you the best and hope you become an IM soon!!!
Congrats to FM Pitterson.
Well done to the Jamaican team.
Wouldn’t be near complete if I didn’t send my congrats to my lifetime training partner… Its about $@!#% time… You deserve all the congrats bestowed… Next we concur the world… IM/GM or bust!
Congratulations, and well done!
Mi might deh a foreign, but yuh done kno’ seh mi heart deh a yaad!!
Nuff nuff congratulations to the Jamaican team !!
Jomo, you have worked really hard for this moment. Well done! Well deserved!
Warren, Shane, Duane and Brandon………BIG UP !!
It comes as no surprise to see you get this title. Your understanding of the game as well as your fighting spirit are clearly on an international level. The next step is well within your reach. As a native born son, let me say thanks for making Jamaica proud!
Congrats Jomo and well done!Next step IM or GM
21-gun salute!
Congratulations to you FM Pitterson on FM Title. 🙂
Well done to Jamaica!
Hope our bigger brothers can do as well if not better. The resources are there – in wealthier nations like Nigeria.
If we can put resources into producing champions like India does with Negi, etc. Rather than remain pauperised yet obsessed with the Man’s armaments when we can’t even feed our brothers and sisters.
But, then self-criticism isn’t our bag.
Hope 2010, no visa probs…
The spirit of messieurs Grant, Tonsingh and Powell must be saying “well done to Mr. Pitterson”.
Congrats n well done, IM is on the agenda now
Well done Jomo. You have always been a consistent performer
Congratulations on the FM title, you not only made Jamaica proud but the entire chess playing Caribbean as a whole. Thank you for your efforts and you inspiring achievements.
How old is Jomo Pitterson??
Not sure, but you can try a search engine called “Google.”
How old were you when you received your FM title?
congrat and succees pitterson,next step on GM
Does anyone know if ,Jomo is Alliance or Portmore ??. I mean Movado or Kartel.
Congrats Jomo! Your father should be proud. Remember the days he consistently supported you by bringing you to CAST. Well deserved! Way to perserve. IM then GM…