Jehron Bryant breaks 2000!
Jehron Bryant is the latest of the competitive New York scholastic crew to break the vaulted barrier of 2000, the necessary route to chess mastery. This represents the 4% of skill level in the nation (of all ages). Bryant and twin brother Nigel Bryant are two scholastic stars destined for great things in chess.
As the father of the 13-year old twins, Derrick Bryant has led their development and has been a chess promoter in Harlem. Back in 2008, he organized the Harlem Chess Championship, but it was already known that his twins were quite talented.
Jehron is the latest of the cadre of New York area players who have recently reached the “Expert” level. He follows Medina Parrilla, Darrian Robinson, Josh Colas, Justus Williams, Miles Hinson and James Black. His brother Nigel is not far behind. Kassa Korley, also of New York, broke the age record for National Master of African descent. This record will no doubt be shattered in coming months.

Nigel and Jehron Bryant at 2009 World Open.
Photo by Daaim Shabazz.
Perhaps Jehron’s biggest fan is his mother Belinda Pura. It is no surprise that each of the scholastic players above have tremendous support from parents.
As they always say, behind every sucessful man is a woman, and I can say that I am not only behind nor beside one successful man but two, I am Belinda Pura (Mrs. Derrick Bryant), the proud mother of the Bryant twins.
It will be interesting to see how the young talent develops in the New York area. The Chess-in-Schools program appears to have been the lightening rod for activities of area schools and has helped provide the environment for chess excellence. I.S. 318 is developing a strong tradition and perhaps will soon be credited with producing some of the youngest masters in the country!
Jehron Bryant peering at Garry Kasparov who gave a simutaneous exhibition in Harlem, 2008. Photo by Harlem Children’s Zone.
congratulations Jehron! I am very proud of you. You should be proud to. Just know this level isn’t easy.
” Big Congrats ” Nephew ! You and your brother inspired me to return to Tournament Chess. You are going all the way to GM HEAVEN.
Welcome to the elite club Jehron!
Good article!!! Great to see a father teaching his kids how to use thier minds and not just shoot hoops. Great to see young black kids playing the great game of CHESS!!
Congratulations Jehron! The Williams family are sooooo proud of you. Keep up the good work sweetie!
It’s good to see the support. Something special is brewing with this crop of players.
Thank you for a nice article, dont get shock if your website crashed, the whole Philippines will be reading this article.
we are proud of you uncle jay!!!!!!
Congratulations to Nigel and Jehron on a wonderful effort! Peace.
Congratulations Nigel and Jehron, all of your hard efferts are paying off and I am so very proud of you.
Keep up the good works
Granny Joyce.
To my nephews keep up the good work and both of you guys will find gret success inlife
to the young chess master Jehron congrulation on your great achievement and also to Nigel and may the lord continue to bless both of you with great success in life
Good Job Jehron. As your twin brother you know that I’m supporting you 101%. I will not be shocked to see Jehron Bryant holding the National Masters title soon. I’m very proud of you and I’ll be up there soon, you can count on it.
Chess Twins Dominant!
Good job guys. Hope you guys keep it up and will soon become grandmasters.
keep up the good work young man. 2300 is your next target!!
Well.. To GOD be the Glory for the GREAT things HE has done!!! I am too proud of my nephews!!!! I am also proud of MY BROTHER Derricky!!!! Nigel and Jehron, as you go higher in the world of Chess, do not forget GOD!!! He blessed your dad and Bel to put you in these arenas but, it is God that will keep you their!!! The tears rolled my face as read the article!!! Words cannot express the joy that is in my heart for seeing these accomplisments!!!
I love you!!! God Bless,
Aunty Nikka & Uncle Paris
Congratulation to Nigel and Jehron as your work ethic continues to improve may you always remember he who sits on high sees all and knows all from the beginning to its end “enjoy your journey”!
Congratulations to Jehron Bryant (I know how hard you have worked to achieve this goal and you deserve it) and all of the other youngsters who are breaking records. This is a nice article about some of our young rising stars in chess! It will be interesting to see who will be the first to make National Master & whether they will beat Kassa Korley’s record as the current youngest player of African descent to make National Master. The past record was 15 years 5 months by Howard Daniels. Kassa broke Daniels 25 year record in 2008 at the age of 15 years and 2 months. I also cannot wait to see which of these young rising stars will become the youngest GM of African descent. I’m rooting for you Jehron, Nigel, James, Darrian, & Joshua! Go forward and leave your permanent footprint on chess history!
Congratulations Jehron. Good luck!!. I’ve never seen a National Masters title up close before. Bring it home!!
We are very proud of you and keep up the great work.
God Bless!!
Let’s not forget National Champions of American Decendant!
What an excellent performance. Great job,/..Goodluck to upcoming events.. Very intelligent,,,Keep it up jehron….
They send you a National Master’s certificate in the mail. 🙂
“American Descendant” is not very clear. Which America… South America, Latin America, North America, or Central America? I like the spirit of Adia’s comment.
WHOOOO HOOOOOOO!!! Im not that old but im so proud of you Jehron you have grown to be such a smart young talented man (like i knew you would) Im justtt so Happy for you you and your brother is and will be Amzingly Smart …COngrats Jehron And Thank God Every Day….
Signed Kema ..(Nigels Twin lol)
Congradulations to Jehron and the whole Bryant family.
Congratulations Jehron! You are a brilliant boy. Always keep up your good work. Your parents must be very proud of you.
You go Jehron! Congrats!
Wow!!!!! I’m getting goosebumps just watching your pic together with Gary Kasparov. Great, great job!!!! I’m sure your mom & dad are very proud of you and me too coz I can say “yeah, that’s my friend’s sons.” Way to go, Jehron & Nigel!!!!
Congratulations Jehron and Nigel !!!Not only do I want to see you in the near future as NMs and GMs but Super GMs as well.Keep it up …
Congratulations Jehron for reaching such a high degree of chess mastery at such a young age. I truly beleive that this is only the beginning for you. Congratulations also to Derrick Bryant who has nurtured the hidden potential of his sons Jehron and Nigel to make them a force to be rekoned with in the chess universe. Congratulations to Nigel in advance because i know that he will reach expert next.
Jehron you are one of the best, keep up the good works. You made your mom and dad proud. Keep reaching for the stars.
Keep up the good works, congratulations of your acheivement, i know some day you will be the grand master champion. keep making mom and dad proud
Jehron, we are so proud of your achievement! Continue to strive for excellence and put God first in everything that you will do and He will crown your efforts with success. Keep your feet grounded. And for Nigel, just keep your focus and I know you will be up there sooner than later. We love you guys and again congraulations for a job well done!
Congratulations!!! keep up the great work and continue making your friends and parents very proud of you… We all love you and keep reaching for ths sky…
Jehron and Nigel have the biggest fan base of any non-professional junior chess player I’ve ever seen! 😀
KUDOS to the Bryant twins and to their proud parents!! Terrific job!! Keep it up =)
Conratulations to you both, as we see you both grow to be wonderful individuals, from little babies on a double stroller being pushed by your dad, to your modelling stint and now being future GM’s in the chessworld, we cant help but be proud of all this accomplishments. Continue to strive hard as your success is our success too, you are BELLEVUE’S 15NORTH sons!!!!!!!!!
To the Bryant Twins, congratulations on this new milestone in your life, with all the hardworks, sleepless nigths, studying and out of state travels, it is not so surprising that you will come up on top. Continue with what you are doing and dont look back, a little bump or stumbling block should not even be fazed you. YOU ARE DESTINED FOR GREATNESS. MAKE US PROUD>
What an Excellent Accomplishment!
May your Chess Success Continue and May God Always Grant you the Ability to Do Great Things.
Congrats to you man, I am so proud of you n ur Brother. You definitely inspire a lot of people to become great! See you at the GM spot soon.
I am so proud of both of you and so proud to know your family so well!
Can’t wait to show you around Harvard and MIT– where you belong. 🙂
Much love to all,
CONGRATS to both of you postive young african americans making postive moves on the chess board and in life
Cograts Jehron on becoming an expert. keep up the good work and i sure it will be very soon for you to become a master. Tell your brother nigel i said congrats on becoming 1900 im sure it wil be very soon to reach expert.
Congratulations!!! Keep up the good work guys. 🙂
Jehron is on a Mission! Yesterday, I had the opportunity to observe him tear down three of the country’s top juniors at the Kasparov Invitational Quad held at St Johns University in NYC. His challengers were: Andrew Nathaniel Shvartsman , Joshua Colas and Christopher Wu . To take down these three top juniors one after another says a lot about his incredible aptitude. In the first round, Jehron was against the rope against the solid Shvartsman, but miraculously, he found a way to outplay his higher rated opponent in the end-game. Next, he had to face Joshua, and right from the beginning, he came out swinging bolo punches, they fought a stimulating Sicilian game right to the very end, but once more, Jehron outdid the young Master. His last opponent was the sturdy, Chris Wu. I didn’t stay to watch that game, but I woke up this morning and found out that he also took down Chris. Jehron’s new determination has catapulted him to a meager 5 points from being inducted into the Young Black Master’s Club. Congrats!!
We have advised him not to think so much about the last points. It may put too much pressure on him. I believe he understands.
Excellent! Because we often talk about how important it is to study, but I thinks it is equally imperative to provide direction to our youth on how to cope with psychological and emotional pressure that we all face in playing chess. That is: intimidation, having to play down, playing an adult or just being a few points from attaining a title. Perhaps our veteran players can share some insight on how they’ve learn to cope with those nuances.
Jehron Bryant broke 2200 and is now a National Master!
Congradulations Jehron and welcome to the Master’s Club! Now, it’s Nigel’s turn to get focused and follow in your footstep.
Story coming soon!
Hello Mr. Shabazz:
I just want to thank you for all the support also, thank you Daaim for allowing us to have a venue to express our feelings about chess.
Best Regards,
I’m proud of you! You’re fortunate to have so many top guns to sharpen your game with… not to mention Nigel. I hope the Young Masters make an impact in the top sections.
National Master Jehron Bryant… just saying your new title fills me with pride. I am the proudest Uncle in the world !!!
From henceforth, please post congratulatory marks under the new article listed at the link at #51 above. This is the post for him making 2000.
great job! Go on young man and concqueer this world of chess!!!