Help for Haitian Chess Family

The world has been gripped by the horrific images stemming from the Haitian earthquake. There has been support to various non-govermental and humanitarian organizations. However, there is no way to know whether a given person will get the assistance they need. Families lost their homes, prized possessions and family records, so the burdens are heavy. The impact of these losses are incaluable. The Bonnet family is one of thousands of families experiencing this ordeal at this time.
Sabine Bonnet is a noted member of the Haitian chess community and led a major effort for youth chess with the L’Acadamie d’Echecs. The dream of teaching chess to the youth became a passion, but her dreams have been dashed for the time being. She is now facing a tremendous challenge in regaining a normal life.
Fortunately, she, her husband and children were able to escape serious injury. I spoke to her and she stated that she lost everything and things are “very difficult”. Her main concern seemed to be getting her two children (ages 7 and 5) back into school, but of course there are day-to-day needs as well.
Below is the link to a fundraiser for Sabine, her husband, Jean Rene and their children. While chess is the least of our concerns for Haiti at this moment, we hope that this will be a small example of the chess community supporting Haiti and its citizens. Please give what you feel you can give.
(Note: Thanks to Adia Onyango of New York who brought to my attention the chess initiative of Sabine Bonnet. Thereafter, we tried contacting Sabine and she eventually responded to both of us!)
Hi chess community,
Chess is a great game that has even been able to transform some young people’s lives and provide them with opportunities that sometimes would not have been in their reach. Let us now take a second to see if we can help one of our own who has dedicated her life to providing inspiration to other children through this great game that we all love. Let’s help people in Haiti to rebuild. Donate what you can. Daaim, thank you for continued commitment to the chess community and for documenting this piece of Haiti’s history. As Haiti rebuilds this piece of history will now live on forever on the chess drum.
– Peace & Love,
whazzzup Adia , Um loose now Lakcia gone for about 1year {babymoma drama!!!} , thats all the time ill need, my apologies to you!!!. I see President Obama is giving women equal pay, now what fide know bout dat!{wink-wink}. Yeah we doin the fundraiser thing. PEACE.
I have sent the donations to the Bonnet family. They are now looking for housing for at least six months until they are settled in Miami. She is very grateful that we have reached out. Please keep the donations coming!
(Note: Sabine is offering her services as a graphic designer. If anyone has any needs in this area, let me know. I will be doing an article for U.S. Chess Life on the Haitian initiative.)
Sabine and husband Jean-Rene are still adjusting in Miami. I spoke with them today. They have found housing and with the help of the donations, they were able to make a deposit. Thanks for helping! They still need your help.
Sabine said that she heard from one chess player in Haiti and they are fine. She has not heard from any of the other players or officials. I would imagine people are still scattered.
I would like to say thank you for your donation especially Daaim and Adia who had worked hard to find a good people to give their contribution.
My family and I appreciate your help.
We are still in miami and we finally find a little place to live.
Thank you again
God Bless you
I’m so glad to have news of you after many unsuccessful attempts to do so with the few related friends that we had,i am aware of your hardship and feel none of the less relief that you and your loved ones are safe and sound..i know you are a strong woman and that your family bounds are strong…It is in those tough moments that human values are put to the test,i know the fighter within you, as i witness many fall from your will to survive and succeed, on the board and in life..I wish to make a donation to your cause please contact me and let me know how to email address is… Its good to hear from you Sabine..Stay strong.