2010 Chess Carnival: Sagalchik wins!
GM Gennadi Sagalchik of New York won the Caribbean Chess Carnival with a solid 7/9 score. Sagalchik hoists 1st place trophy at Closing Ceremonies. Photo by Daaim Shabazz.
In his winner’s speech, Grandmaster Gennadi Sagalchik stated that he “begged” Edison Raphael to come to the Caribbean Chess Carnival. Perhaps he was overstating a bit, but as the only GM in the field, he had to live up to his status. He did not disappoint. Sagalchik was never in trouble in any of his games and coasted to an undefeated 7/9 score.
The Brooklyn-based coach teaches about 400 students in the Long Island, New York area on behalf of Long Island “Chessmates”. In an interview with The Chess Drum, he stated that despite the high numbers in U.S. schools, it does not provide a support system for developing talent. He contends that the players are not well-treated. However, he was effusive in his praise in terms of how we was treated in this tournament. He brought along daughters Michelle and Caroline who both played in the under-20 section.
Round seven was perhaps the turning point of the tournament when Oladapo Adu fell trivially to Sagalchik, tossing a piece. The Latin Americans then seized the opportunity and took on strong positions with the “Bajans” in hot pursuit. Sagalchik was able to “draw out” and secure first place. IM Rafael Prasca came in second with 6.5/9.
| 3 August 2010 | 4 August 2010 | 5 August 2010 |
| 6 August 2010 | 7 August 2010 | 8 August 2010 |
| Open | Under-20 | Under-14 | Under-10 |
Drum Coverage and Tournament Photos
Iam happy that Caribbean players got a chance to play in a warm and welcoming environment like Trinidad.I played for Jamaica there and I also was a coach of the Jamaica team there in 1993 where I coached Jomo Pitterson and Duane Rowe who have gone on to do the country proud.
Thanks to Daaim we got video footage through his genrosity of spirit and love of excellence by players of the African diaspora.
Excellent coverage Daaim and congratulations to the US contingent-especially to Joshua for braking new grounds and taking no prisoners. I’m sure josh gained a lot from his first international experience.
Extraordinaria cobertura!! jamas pensé en conocer al Dr. Shabazz Daaim, él es una agradable persona!! le prometo regalarle una gorra de Venezuela al regresar a jugar el Caribean del 2011, y espero no toparme en el tablero contra Colas Joshua a quien tenía mucho miedo a encontrarmelo! prefiero enfrentar al GM Salgachik y esto lo digo en serio. Dios le bendiga mucho Dr. Shabazz Daaim, así como a los organizadores del torneo a quines me dierón sus condolencias despues del fallecimiento de mi Señora Madre un dia despues de concluido el torneo.
reciba un afectuoso abraso!
desde Venezuela: Germán Herrera
Usted es bienvenido. Yo estaba encantado de conocerte en Trinidad. Quedé impresionado por su determinación de jugar en el torneo después de un viaje tan largo. Los venezolanos lo hicieron muy bien y eran amigos. Pienso estar en Trinidad el próximo año y nos volveremos a encontrar!
¡Viva Venezuela!
You are welcome. I was delighted to meet you in Trinidad. I was impressed by your determination to play in the tournament after such a long trip. The Venezuelans did very well and were friendly. I plan to be in Trinidad next year and we will meet again!
Long live Venezuela!