2011 Martinique Championship
Gilles Suez-Panama sent this message about the 27th Martinican Championship to be held on April 26th until May 1st. There will be several categories.
Gilles Suez-Panama of Martinique.
Location Ecole primaire de Mansarde au ROBERT ——————————————————————————– Created By Ligue d’Echecs de la Martinique ——————————————————————————– https://www.echecs-martinique.com/tournois.php?id=174&cmd=d&page=1 Contact : gilles@echecs-martinique.com |
Hello Gilles, How are you? I am happy that chess is so
popular around the world. I hear that you are a good player.
I love meeting new friends that play chess. I would love to play
some chess games online with you sometimes.
Love, Kiaty