African Lounge launches TV Show!
African Chess Lounge (ACL) recently held a successful qualifier which was publicized on their TV show. The organization was launched last November as an all-purpose chess entity with TV programming, training and chess equipment sales. Reuben Salimu is the pioneer leading the South African initiative and is located in Western Cape province. The first qualifier was won by Henry Steel over Don Van derHeever on tiebreaks and he will face on an upcoming TV show at ACL. According to a press release from ACL…
Aims of the TV Show
African Chess Lounge, as its main objective and steering, would like to create awareness and spin-off interests in the game of chess. Viewers will be entertained through speed chess, a fast paced production with intense fighting in the qualification rounds. Time is always a factor in chess… so expect a lot of upsets an ‘edge of your seat” moments.
The overall objective of the TV is to elevate the game of chess to the greater South African youth by using this medium to teach young children how to play the game of chess. Chess as a sport has been historically linked to the great minds in mathematics, analytics, strategic thinking and much more. The inclusion of a mental sport to enhance the mathematical and numerical competencies of young minds with the technological advancements of media and communication is a natural progression for the sport. We will use the digital and communication platforms to increase awareness, reach and educate the population of South Africans who are looking toward international organisations for their guidance… we aim to bring them home and create a message of trust in abilities of fellow South Africans an in so doing, create South African heroes.
Donation to Youth Chess
On a developmental perspective African Chess Lounge will be injecting 20% of all registration fees towards development in Youth Chess via the various Unions under the CHESSA blanket. When participants register they have a choice of Union that will benefit from this donation and support.
If this does not make you want to swap your Pawns for Kings, go to and check it out!
Ethnology Marketing and Communications
N. Russon, PR and Marketing

Good idea, I think speed chess is a major way to market chess to the general public. A brother, Gordon, in Philly has the same idea. A good commentator is a must and the visual element must be excellent. Probably some sort of sports related attire would attract attention. Funding as always would be a major issue. Good luck!
Maurice Ashley once put out a video called “Speed Chess” with commentary. I’m not sure how well the DVD did, but he sold them at the HB Global tournament. I have mentioned it a few times, but here is a link…
Yea, I have that DVD. The personalities were not made for T.V. But the chess was good. T.V. audiences need exciting personalities, not just good chess. I think it was boring GM Joe Benjamin and not so exciting…..ah his name will come to me. This is not the way to go forward with T.V. chess. anyway I wish the brother of ACL good luck. Maybe, he will ignite a spark in chess that we all need.